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Creating AI Solutions

to Empower your Business

Leveraging AI technology can streamline operations,
enhance customer experiences, and drive data-driven
decision-making to empower your business
and achieve greater success.

Artificial Intelligence

We are all in the revolutionary world of Artificial Intelligence! Imagine AI as your smart, always-on assistant, transforming data into decisions, and insights into action. Our team of AI experts specializes in integrating sophisticated AI solutions that streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive innovation. Our AI tools are custom-built to fit your unique business needs and goals. Let’s explore what AI can do for you today!

Mastering The Art of GEN AI

AI Integration Icon


We seamlessly integrate with all your essential data sources and knowledge repositories, including Salesforce, various databases, wikis, and document storage systems.

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Vector Storage

We transform your organization’s wealth of knowledge into vector embeddings, making it readily accessible to large language models (LLMs).

Retrieval Augmented Generation Icon

Retrieval Augmented Generation

Using advanced RAG methods, we provide LLMs with bespoke knowledge and minimize inaccuracies with tools like query expansion and cross-encoders.

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Prompt Chaining

Recognizing the limitations of simple prompting, we use advanced techniques like Chain of Thought, Tree of Thought, and Function Calling to develop adaptable and efficient prompt pipelines.

Operational Efficiency Icon

Operational Efficiency

We offer detailed cost insights and facilitate data collection for auditing and traceability. Post-deployment, we refine smaller models to optimize operational expenses.

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Reliability and Performance

Our framework is designed to meet any SLA requirements and ensure reliable performance, even if critical third-party services are compromised.

AI Integration and Operation Excellence

Custom Integrations

  • Databases
  • Internal Wiki
  • Document Stores
  • CRMs
  • Analytics Tools
  • Custom APIs

Prompt Engineering

  • Prompt Chaining
  • Agent Pipelines
  • Chain of Thought Prompting
  • Tree of Thought Prompting
  • Few Shot Prompting
  • Active Few Shot Prompting
  • Self Consistency
  • DSPy

Advanced Retrieval

  • Chroma DB / Pinecone DB Integration
  • Query Expansion
  • Query Rephrasing
  • Cross Encoder Reranking
  • Embedding Adaptors


  • Monitoring and Logging
  • Tracing
  • Cost Optimization
  • Fine Tuning Smaller Models

Explore Services

Product Design

Creative Design

Web Platforms

Mobile Applications

Augmented Reality

Artificial Intelligence

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We’d like to share our news and projects via a newsletter, but not too often.

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